      Mayo Clinic: "Antioxidants"
      Journal of Advanced Nursing: "Effects of an Intervention With Drinking Chamomile Tea on Sleep Quality and Depression in Sleep Disturbed Postnatal Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial."
      Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology: "Peppermint Oil for the Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis"
      Integrative Medicine Insights: "The Effectiveness of Ginger in the Prevention of Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy and Chemotherapy"
      U.S. National Library of Medicine: "Antioxidants"
      Journal of Chormotography: "Determination of Catechins in Matcha Green Tea by Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography"
      The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: "Tea and Flavonoid Intake Predict Osteoporotic Fracture Risk in Elderly Australian Women: A Prospective Study "
      Journal of Education and Health Promotion: "Investigation Effect of Oral Chamomilla on Sleep Quality in Elderly People in Isfahan: A Randomized Control Trial"
      European Journal of Nutrition: "Green Tea Catechins and Blood Pressure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials"
      European Journal of Preventive Cardiology: "Tea consumption and the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality: The China-PAR project"
      Phytomedicine: "Green tea effects on cognition, mood and human brain function: A systematic review."
      Aging: "Habitual tea drinking modulates brain efficiency: evidence from brain connectivity evaluation"
      Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health: "Tea"
      U.S. National Library of Medicine: "Black Tea"
      USDA: "The Coca-Cola Company-0049000000016 - Gold Peak Peach Tea Bottle 52 Fl Oz"
      National Cancer Institute: "bergamot"
      Phytotherapy Research: "Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) Essential Oil Inhalation Improves Positive Feelings in the Waiting Room of a Mental Health Treatment Center: A Pilot Study"
      Tea Exporters Association: "Ceylon Tea"
      Indian Tea Association: "Tea Growing Regions"
      USDA: "Sugar"
      USDA: "Half And Half Cream"
      USDA: "Skim Milk"
      European Heart Journal: "Addition of milk prevents vascular protective effects of tea"
      Nutrients: "Consumption of milk-protein combined with green tea modulates diet-induced thermogenesis"
      Mayo Clinic: "Caffeine content for coffee, tea, soda and more"
      National Cancer Institute: "Tea and Cancer Prevention"
      Molecules: "A Review on the Weight-Loss Effects of Oxidized Tea Polyphenols"
      Cleveland Clinic: "Green Tea Extract: Pros and Cons for Energy, Weight Loss and More"
      National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health:"Green Tea"
      American Dental Association: "The Superhero That Lives Inside Your Mouth"
      Journal of the Canadian Dental Association: "Fluoride Content in Asian Produced Green Teas"
      C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital: "green tea"
      Nemours Foundation: "Caffeine"
      USDA: "Whole Milk"
      Mount Sinai: "Peppermint"
      Upton Tea Imports: "GUNPOWDER"
      Michigan Medicine: "Rose hips"
      Beth Israel Lahey Health: "Rose Hips"
      Liluku Tea: "What is Genmaicha ?"
      Rishi Tea and Botanicals: "Genmaicha"
      Journal of Chromatography: "Determination of catechins in matcha green tea by micellar electrokinetic chromatography"
      Global Japanese Tea Association: "Kukicha"
      International Journal of Food Properties: "Changes in the volatiles, chemical components, and antioxidant activities of Chinese jasmine tea during the scenting processes"
      International Journal of Molecular Sciences: "Health Functions and Related Molecular Mechanisms of Tea Components: An Update Review"
      Rishi Tea & Botanicals: "Silver Needles"
      Trends in Food Science & Technology: "A minireview of effects of white tea consumption on diseases"
      Simple Loose Leaf: "How to Brew White Tea"
      Chazhidao virtual tea school: "FOUR TYPES OF OOLONG"
      SpringerPlus: "Oolong tea made from tea plants from different locations in Yunnan and Fujian, China showed similar aroma but different taste characteristics"
      Current Pharmaceutical Design: "Tea and Health: Studies in Humans"
      Food Science and Human Wellness: "Chemistry and health beneficial effects of oolong tea and theasinensins"
      PeLi Teas: "Ti Quan Yin (Spring)"
      USDA: "Schnuck Markets Inc. - Sweetened Iced Tea Sweetened"
      Mayo Clinic: "A friend suggested that I try yerba mate tea to boost my energy. What is yerba mate?"
      Brigham Health: "Alfalfa"
      NLM: "Alfalfa"
      Kaiser Permanente: "Alfalfa"
      Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: "Alfalfa"
      Mount Sinai: "Horsetail"
      NLM: "Horsetail"
      Mayo Clinic: "Honey"
      Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics: "Comparison of the effect of honey and mefenamic acid on the severity of pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea"
      Michigan Medicine: "Menstrual Cycle: Dealing With Cramps"
      Cleveland Clinic: "How can you relieve mild menstrual cramps?"
      American Heart Association: "Added Sugars"
      Mount Sinai: "Laryngitis"
      Mayo Clinic: "Laryngitis"
      NCCIH: "Ginger"
      Johns Hopkins Medicine: "5 Spices with Healthy Benefits"
      OncoLink: "Ginger: Health Benefits and Dietary Recommendations During Cancer Treatment"
      Phytotherapy Research: "Clinical trials on pain lowering effect of ginger: A narrative review"
      Mount Sinai: "Eucalyptus"
      Kaiser Permanente: "Eucalyptus"
      NLM: "Eucalyptus"
      Herbal Society of America: "Fennel"
      Arabian Journal of Chemistry: "Foeniculum vulgare: A comprehensive review of its traditional use, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and safety"
      American Botanical Council: "Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs"
      The Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases: "Curcumin and Fennel Essential Oil Improve Symptoms and Quality of Life in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome"
      NLM Drugs and Lactation Database: "Fennel"
      Mount Sinai: "Aloe"
      NCCIH: "Aloe Vera"
      Mayo Clinic: "Aloe"
      Johns Hopkins HealthCare: "Elderberry"
      MSKCC: "Elderberry"
      Journal of General Internal Medicine: "Elderberry Extract Outpatient Influenza Treatment for Emergency Room Patients Ages 5 and Above: a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial"
      Mount Sinai: "Burdock"
      MSKCC: "Burdock"
      MSKCC: ""Essiac"
      PeaceHealth: "Burdock"
      International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases: "Effects of Arctium lappa L. (Burdock) root tea on inflammatory status and oxidative stress in patients with knee osteoarthritis"
      National Cancer Institute: "Milk Thistle (PDQ®)–Patient Version"
      NCCIH: "Milk Thistle"
      Mayo Clinic: "Milk thistle"
      Missouri Botanical Garden: "Hyssopus officinalis"
      PeaceHealth: "Hyssop"
      Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment: "Anti-oxidation properties of leaves, skin, pulp, and seeds extracts from green papaya and their anti-cancer activities in breast cancer cells"
      Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: "Carica papaya Leaves Juice Significantly Accelerates the Rate of Increase in Platelet Count among Patients with Dengue Fever and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever"
      Beth Israel Lahey Health: "Papain: Nature’s Own Digestive Aid"
      PeaceHealth: "Boldo"
      European Medicines Agency: "Boldo leaf"
      PeaceHealth: "Rooibos"
      MSKCC: "Rooibos Tea"
      Institute for Traditional Medicine: "HONEYBUSH"
      Nutraceuticals - Past, Present and Future: "Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) and Honeybush (Cyclopia spp.): From Bush Teas to Potential Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease"
      Oldways Whole Grains Council: "Barley - February Grain of the Month"
      Journal of Food Science: "Antioxidant Properties of Aqueous Extract of Roasted Hulled Barley in Bulk Oil or Oil-in-Water Emulsion Matrix"
      USDA: "Cooked Pearled Barley"
      Cleveland Clinic: "6 Surprising Ways Garlic Boosts Your Health"
      American Society for Microbiology: "Old Wives’ Tales and Garlic as an Antibiotic: Are Microbial Myths Fact or Fiction?"
      Antioxidants: "Potential Health Benefit of Garlic Based on Human Intervention Studies: A Brief Overview"
      NCCIH: "Garlic"
      Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology: "Medicinal and Functional Values of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) Herb"
      Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine: "Neuroprotective potency of some spice herbs, a literature review"
      PeaceHealth: "Thyme"
      Boston Medical Center: "Lemon-Thyme Green Tea"
      Tufts Medical Center: "Celery"
      Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine: "A Review of the Antioxidant Activity of Celery (Apium graveolens L)"
      Cleveland Clinic: "Celery May Help Bring Your High Blood Pressure Down"
      Wisconsin Horticulture: "Cilantro / Coriander, Coriandrum sativum"
      Cleveland Clinic: "Love It or Hate It — The Great Cilantro Debate"
      USDA: "Cilantro"
      Mayo Clinic: "Vitamin K (Class) (Oral Route, Parenteral Route)"
      PeaceHealth: "Sage"
      Archives in Cancer Research: "Medicinal Property of Sage (Saliva) for Curing Illnesses Such as Obesity, Diabetes, Depression, Dementia, Lupus, Autism, Heart Disease and Cancer: A Brief Review"
      NCCIH: "Sage"
      PeaceHealth: "Reishi"
      MSKCC: "Reishi Mushroom"
      Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: "Evaluation of Antidiabetic Effects of the Traditional Medicinal Plant Gynostemma pentaphyllum and the Possible Mechanisms of Insulin Release"
      Chinese Medicine: "Anti-cancer effects of Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino (Jiaogulan)"
      Hormone and Metabolic Research: "Antidiabetic Effect of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Tea in Randomly Assigned Type 2 Diabetic Patients"
      Mount Sinai: "Hawthorne"
      MSKCC: "Hawthorne"
      NCCIH: "Hawthorne"
      Cleveland Clinic: "What Are the Best Fruits for You? A Dietitian’s Top 5 Picks"
      Advanced Nutrition: "Red Raspberries and Their Bioactive Polyphenols: Cardiometabolic and Neuronal Health Links"
      International Journal of Molecular Sciences: "Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity in Different Types of Berries"
      Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health: "Antioxidants"
      American Pregnancy Association: "Herbal Tea and Pregnancy"
      Scientific Reports: "Effects of Berries Consumption on Cardiovascular Risk Factors: A Meta-analysis with Trial Sequential Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials"
      Cleveland Clinic: "7 Reasons to Start Your Day With Lemon Water"
      New Mexico State University: "Jujube: Chinese Date in New Mexico"
      Center for Urban Education About Sustainable Agriculture: "Jujubes"
      Horticulture Research: "The historical and current research progress on jujube–a superfruit for the future"
      USDA: "Jujube, raw"
      Journal of Functional Foods: "Jujube fruit: A potential nutritious fruit for the development of functional food products"
      Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: "Multiple Bioactivities of Traditional Medicinal Herbs for Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases"
      Kaiser Permanente: "Goji Berry"
      Sutter Health: "The Health Benefits of Goji Berries"
      Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity: "Bioactive Compounds of Food: Their Role in the Prevention and Treatment of Diseases"
      USDA: "Goji Berries Dried"
      PeaceHealth: "Goji Berry"
      PeaceHealth: "Blueberry"
      Johns Hopkins Medicine: "Berry Good for Your Heart"
      Antioxidants: "Blueberries’ Impact on Insulin Resistance and Glucose Intolerance"
      Plants for a Future: "Ribes nigrum - L."
      USDA: "European Black Currants"
      Mayo Clinic: "Vitamin C"
      Journal of Food Science: "Blackcurrants (Ribes nigrum): A Review on Chemistry, Processing, and Health Benefits"
      Beth Israel Lahey Health: "Noni"
      PeaceHealth: "Noni"
      MSKCC: "Noni"
      Teatulia Organic Teas: "What Is Chai?"
      Pacific College of Health and Science: "Chai Tea for Digestion"
      Brooklyn Botanic Garden: "Saffron Crocus—Conjuring Color and Flavor in the Autumn Garden"
      Nutrients: "Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) in Ocular Diseases: A Narrative Review of the Existing Evidence from Clinical Studies"
      Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine: "The effects of Crocus sativus (saffron) and its constituents on nervous system: A review"
      Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy: "Saffron; An updated review on biological properties with special focus on cardiovascular effects"
      Kaiser Permanente: "Keeping cool: 6 foods that help"
      Nuts and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention: "Chapter 34 - Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Linn. Maton) Seeds in Health"
      MSKCC: "Cinnamon"
      Mayo Clinic: "High cholesterol treatment: Does cinnamon lower cholesterol?"
      GI Society: "Cinnamon: The Good, the Bad, and the Tasty"
      Arthritis Foundation: "Best Spices for Arthritis "
      Clinical Phytoscience: "The phytochemistry and medicinal value of Psidium guajava (guava)"
      Bonanza: "Pito-Pito Organic Herbal Tea"
      Yogi Tea: "All Teas"
      Yogi Tea: "Yogi Green Tea Kombucha Tea"
      Yogi: "Yogi Berry Detox Tea"
      Yogi: "Ginger Tea"
      Celestial Seasonings: "Red Zinger"
      Sunrider International: "Calli Original"
      Sunrider: "Calli Cinnamon"
      Sunrider International: "Calli Mint"
      Molecules: "Diuretic Activity of Compatible Triterpene Components of Alismatis rhizoma"
      Truong Giang Corp: "Three Ballerina Tea"
      NLM: "Senna"
      Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry: "Synthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles using Malva verticillata leaves extract: Study of gold nanoparticles catalysed reduction of nitro-Schiff bases and antibacterial activities of silver nanoparticles"
      Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes: "Unhealthy Weight Control Practices: Culprits and Clinical Recommendations"
      Cleveland Clinic: "Are You Planning a Cleanse or Detox? Read This First"
      Cleveland Clinic: "What Can Tea Really Do for Your Health? 3 Myths, Debunked"
      Providence Health & Services: "Do detox diets and teas really work?"
      International Institute for Environment and Development: "The case of the coca leaf"
      Emergency Medicine International: "Coca: The History and Medical Significance of an Ancient Andean Tradition"
      BMC: "Travel medicine, coca and cocaine: demystifying and rehabilitating Erythroxylum – a comprehensive review"
      U.S. Customs and Border Patrol: "Bringing in coca leaves"
      Kaiser Permanente: "Comfrey"
      FDA: "FDA Advises Dietary Supplement Manufacturers to Remove Comfrey Products From the Market"
      Mount Sinai: "Comfrey"
      Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health: "Rose tea for relief of primary dysmenorrhea in adolescents: a randomized controlled trial in Taiwan"
      Journal of Food Science: "Rose Petal Tea as an Antioxidant‐rich Beverage: Cultivar Effects"
      MSKCC: "Chrysanthemum"
      Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center: "Passiflora incarnata"
      Missouri Botanic Garden: "Passiflora coccinea"
      PeaceHealth: "Passion Flower"
      Mount Sinai: "Passionflower"
      Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Engineering: "Nutritional and health importance of Hibiscus sabdariffa: a review and indication for research needs "
      Journal of Hypertension: "Effect of sour tea (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) on arterial hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials"
      NCCIH: "Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)"
      PeaceHealth: "Hibiscus"
      Penn Medicine: "6 At-Home Remedies to Ease Your Sore Throat"
      Cleveland Clinic: "Sore Throat Remedies That Actually Work"
      PeaceHealth: "Ginger"
      Johns Hopkins Medicine: "GERD Diet: Foods That Help with Acid Reflux (Heartburn)"
      Mayo Clinic: "Heartburn"
      Natural Product Communications: "Biological Properties of 6-Gingerol: A Brief Review"
      Mayo Clinic: "Acne"
      National Psoriasis Foundation: "About Psoriasis"
      Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies: "Prospective, non‐randomised, open‐label study of homeopathic Zingiber officinale (ginger) in the treatment of acne vulgaris"
      Hackensack Meridian Health: "Fighting the Flu or Cold? Elderberry May Provide Some Additional Relief"
      Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: "Anti-proliferation and Apoptosis Induction of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Carica papaya L. on Human Breast Cancer Cells MCF-7"
      Case Reports in Hematology: "The Use of Natural Health Products Especially Papaya Leaf Extract and Dandelion Root Extract in Previously Untreated Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia"
      Nutrients: "Association of Tea Consumption with Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease and Anti-Beta-Amyloid Effects of Tea"

Black, green, oolong, pu-erh and white tea all come from the same plant, but their health benefits differ.

Image Credit: 五玄土 ORIENTO/Unsplash

Image Credit: 五玄土 ORIENTO/Unsplash

  • Black Tea

  • Green Tea

  • Oolong Tea

  • Pu-Erh Tea

  • White Tea

  • Benefits of Tea With Honey

  • What Happens When You Add Milk, Sugar or Cream?

  • Tea Benefits by Brand

  • Polyphenols

  • Flavonoids

  • Catechins

A tea only counts as “true tea” if it’s made from the Camellia sinensis plant, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. A “tea” made from any other plant — including herbs, flowers, fruits, roots or spices — is actually called a “tisane” and can have widely different health benefits. In this article, we only cover the health benefits of true teas: black, green, oolong, pu-erh and white.

Tea Camellia Variety Caffeine Content per Cup Water Temperature Steeping Time Black Assamica 47 mg 203-212 F 3-5 min. Green Sinensis 25 - 29 mg 158-176 F 2-3 min. Oolong Sinensis 38 mg 176-194 F 2-3 min. Pu-Erh Assamica Varies 212 F 5 min. White Sinensis 15 mg 180-185 F 2 min.

Assam, Earl Grey and Bergamot are just a few of the many flavorful, hydrating varieties of black tea.

Image Credit: Creative

Image Credit: Creative

  • Cardamom
  • Ginger
  • Cloves
  • Cinnamon
  • Black peppercorns
  • Vanilla
  • Nutmeg
  • Mace
  • Star anise
  • Fennel
  • Bay leaf
  • Allspice
  • Saffron
  • Coriander
  • Cumin

Many of the ingredients commonly found in chai — such as ginger, fennel and cinnamon — may help with digestion, according to the Pacific College of Health and Science. Others are rich in antioxidants.

Current research has only found associations, not direct cause-and-effect relationships, between drinking black tea and improved health outcomes. That said, links have been found between black tea and fewer broken bones, improved low blood pressure and lower rates of heart attacks, ovarian cancer, osteoporosis and Parkinson’s disease. Smelling the essential oil of Bergamot tea — a popular type of black tea — was linked to improved mood in one small study.

Green tea has unique health benefits because, unlike black tea, it isn't fermented.

Image Credit: Creative

Considering all the health benefits of green tea, you may wonder if it’s safe — or recommended — to give kids this drink, too. In low amounts, it’s “possibly safe,” according to C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. That “possibly” is likely due to the tea’s caffeine content: It’s best to limit how much caffeine kids drink, per the Nemours Foundation.

A green tea latte is a variation of a traditional latte, which is made with espresso and steamed milk. This version swaps in green tea in place of the espresso. Then, steamed milk is added with a layer of foamed milk on top. A green tea latte offers all the health benefits associated with green tea. Plus, drinking milk provides several vitamins and nutrients. To limit saturated fat and calories, order your latte made with low-fat or skim milk. If your green tea latte is made with a cup of 1 percent milk, you’ll get 16 percent of your daily value (DV) of protein, as well as 15 percent DV of vitamin D and 23 percent of your DV of calcium, per the USDA. A cup of 1 percent milk also has 102 calories. Keep in mind that a green tea latte often includes syrup or added sweetener, so consider asking for less sugar or syrup. Or, make your own green tea latte to control the ingredients. Use green tea leaves or green tea bags.

A green tea latte offers all the health benefits associated with green tea. Plus, drinking milk provides several vitamins and nutrients. To limit saturated fat and calories, order your latte made with low-fat or skim milk.

If your green tea latte is made with a cup of 1 percent milk, you’ll get 16 percent of your daily value (DV) of protein, as well as 15 percent DV of vitamin D and 23 percent of your DV of calcium, per the USDA. A cup of 1 percent milk also has 102 calories.

Keep in mind that a green tea latte often includes syrup or added sweetener, so consider asking for less sugar or syrup. Or, make your own green tea latte to control the ingredients. Use green tea leaves or green tea bags.

Existing evidence supporting any direct cause-and-effect relationships between drinking green tea and improved health outcomes is preliminary. Rather, this research more often shows associations between green tea and better health, including links with less inflammation, lower rates of cognitive decline and heart disease, better control of type 2 diabetes and a longer lifespan. The evidence linking green tea and weight loss is limited, and green tea — or any caffeinated drink, for that matter — may actually worsen heartburn.

Oolong tea benefits have not been as rigorously studied as the perks of black or green tea, but the partially fermented leaves are thought to be anti-inflammatory.

Image Credit: Creative

Drinking tea every day is a good way to support a healthy routine and keep up with your hydration needs. Just avoid overdoing it on the caffeine. May Zhu, RDN, LDN, recommends keeping track of your daily caffeine intake and making sure it doesn’t exceed 400 milligrams. Keep in mind that caffeine can also be found in coffee, chocolate, sodas and energy drinks. Different types of tea will have varying amounts of caffeine, with the exception of herbal teas, which are caffeine-free. “The amount of time passed while steeping tea can also change the amount of caffeine in it, because the caffeine content will increase the longer you steep it,” Zhu says. This can potentially be problematic for people who are sensitive to caffeine, making it difficult for them to fall asleep at night or even worsening anxiety. Or, opt for herbal tea, which is caffeine-free.

May Zhu, RDN, LDN, recommends keeping track of your daily caffeine intake and making sure it doesn’t exceed 400 milligrams. Keep in mind that caffeine can also be found in coffee, chocolate, sodas and energy drinks.

Different types of tea will have varying amounts of caffeine, with the exception of herbal teas, which are caffeine-free.

“The amount of time passed while steeping tea can also change the amount of caffeine in it, because the caffeine content will increase the longer you steep it,” Zhu says. This can potentially be problematic for people who are sensitive to caffeine, making it difficult for them to fall asleep at night or even worsening anxiety.

Or, opt for herbal tea, which is caffeine-free.

Most of the studies examining the health benefits of oolong tea are small and were conducted more than a decade ago. Research on black and green tea is much more common because those teas are more popular. More research is needed on oolong tea specifically to better support preliminary findings including connections with diabetes management, heart health, weight loss and brain function.

Ripe, or fermented, pu-erh tea is often dried in a brick and rinsed before steeped.

Image Credit: Creative

Pu-erh tea is perhaps the least common true tea, and therefore one of the least studied. Preliminary animal and test-tube studies suggest pu-erh tea may be linked to lower cholesterol and reduced tumor cell growth, while studies in humans looking at weight loss and metabolic syndrome have focused on pu-erh tea extract, which offers a more concentrated version than tea. More research is needed in humans to understand what, if any, health benefits are directly attributable to pu-erh tea.

White tea is not fermented but still delivers antioxidants.

Image Credit: Creative

What little evidence there is supporting health benefits of white tea has mostly come from lab and animal studies. So far, there are connections with white tea and better heart health, stronger teeth, balanced blood sugar and weight loss. More research in humans is needed to back up these associations, let alone show cause-and-effect relationships.

Combining tea with honey can soothe a cough, but be mindful of how much honey you're using to keep added sugars in check.

Image Credit: Vera_Petrunina/iStock/GettyImages

Image Credit: Vera_Petrunina/iStock/GettyImages

Honey is considered an added sugar. The American Heart Association recommends that adults limit added sugars to between 6 to 9 teaspoons a day.

Not only will iced tea quench your thirst, but this beverage is naturally calorie-free (that changes, of course, if you add sugar or cream). If you replace high-calorie drinks such as soda or sweetened iced tea with unsweetened iced tea, you can cut your calories. For instance, while 12 ounces of sweetened iced tea has 119 calories, per the USDA, that same amount of unsweetened iced tea has zero calories. Plus, iced tea delivers all the same health benefits of hot tea, whether it’s green, black or any other variety.

If you replace high-calorie drinks such as soda or sweetened iced tea with unsweetened iced tea, you can cut your calories. For instance, while 12 ounces of sweetened iced tea has 119 calories, per the USDA, that same amount of unsweetened iced tea has zero calories.

Plus, iced tea delivers all the same health benefits of hot tea, whether it’s green, black or any other variety.

It's important to keep in mind that health claims made by tea manufacturers are not evaluated by the FDA.

Image Credit: Santje09/iStock/GettyImages

Image Credit: Santje09/iStock/GettyImages

Ceylon tea is not a specific type of tea. Rather, the name refers to a geographic location: Ceylon tea comes from Sri Lanka, according to the Tea Exporters Association. This country was known as Ceylon by British colonists. Now, Sri Lanka is one of the top producers and exporters of tea in the world, according to the Tea Exporters Association. Ceylon tea is available in both green and black varieties and is linked to the same health benefits.

Now, Sri Lanka is one of the top producers and exporters of tea in the world, according to the Tea Exporters Association. Ceylon tea is available in both green and black varieties and is linked to the same health benefits.

5 Sparkling Teas Dietitians Love

      Mayo Clinic: "Antioxidants"
      Journal of Advanced Nursing: "Effects of an Intervention With Drinking Chamomile Tea on Sleep Quality and Depression in Sleep Disturbed Postnatal Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial."
      Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology: "Peppermint Oil for the Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis"
      Integrative Medicine Insights: "The Effectiveness of Ginger in the Prevention of Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy and Chemotherapy"
      U.S. National Library of Medicine: "Antioxidants"
      Journal of Chormotography: "Determination of Catechins in Matcha Green Tea by Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography"
      The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: "Tea and Flavonoid Intake Predict Osteoporotic Fracture Risk in Elderly Australian Women: A Prospective Study "
      Journal of Education and Health Promotion: "Investigation Effect of Oral Chamomilla on Sleep Quality in Elderly People in Isfahan: A Randomized Control Trial"
      European Journal of Nutrition: "Green Tea Catechins and Blood Pressure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials"
      European Journal of Preventive Cardiology: "Tea consumption and the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality: The China-PAR project"
      Phytomedicine: "Green tea effects on cognition, mood and human brain function: A systematic review."
      Aging: "Habitual tea drinking modulates brain efficiency: evidence from brain connectivity evaluation"
      Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health: "Tea"
      U.S. National Library of Medicine: "Black Tea"
      USDA: "The Coca-Cola Company-0049000000016 - Gold Peak Peach Tea Bottle 52 Fl Oz"
      National Cancer Institute: "bergamot"
      Phytotherapy Research: "Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) Essential Oil Inhalation Improves Positive Feelings in the Waiting Room of a Mental Health Treatment Center: A Pilot Study"
      Tea Exporters Association: "Ceylon Tea"
      Indian Tea Association: "Tea Growing Regions"
      USDA: "Sugar"
      USDA: "Half And Half Cream"
      USDA: "Skim Milk"
      European Heart Journal: "Addition of milk prevents vascular protective effects of tea"
      Nutrients: "Consumption of milk-protein combined with green tea modulates diet-induced thermogenesis"
      Mayo Clinic: "Caffeine content for coffee, tea, soda and more"
      National Cancer Institute: "Tea and Cancer Prevention"
      Molecules: "A Review on the Weight-Loss Effects of Oxidized Tea Polyphenols"
      Cleveland Clinic: "Green Tea Extract: Pros and Cons for Energy, Weight Loss and More"
      National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health:"Green Tea"
      American Dental Association: "The Superhero That Lives Inside Your Mouth"
      Journal of the Canadian Dental Association: "Fluoride Content in Asian Produced Green Teas"
      C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital: "green tea"
      Nemours Foundation: "Caffeine"
      USDA: "Whole Milk"
      Mount Sinai: "Peppermint"
      Upton Tea Imports: "GUNPOWDER"
      Michigan Medicine: "Rose hips"
      Beth Israel Lahey Health: "Rose Hips"
      Liluku Tea: "What is Genmaicha ?"
      Rishi Tea and Botanicals: "Genmaicha"
      Journal of Chromatography: "Determination of catechins in matcha green tea by micellar electrokinetic chromatography"
      Global Japanese Tea Association: "Kukicha"
      International Journal of Food Properties: "Changes in the volatiles, chemical components, and antioxidant activities of Chinese jasmine tea during the scenting processes"
      International Journal of Molecular Sciences: "Health Functions and Related Molecular Mechanisms of Tea Components: An Update Review"
      Rishi Tea & Botanicals: "Silver Needles"
      Trends in Food Science & Technology: "A minireview of effects of white tea consumption on diseases"
      Simple Loose Leaf: "How to Brew White Tea"
      Chazhidao virtual tea school: "FOUR TYPES OF OOLONG"
      SpringerPlus: "Oolong tea made from tea plants from different locations in Yunnan and Fujian, China showed similar aroma but different taste characteristics"
      Current Pharmaceutical Design: "Tea and Health: Studies in Humans"
      Food Science and Human Wellness: "Chemistry and health beneficial effects of oolong tea and theasinensins"
      PeLi Teas: "Ti Quan Yin (Spring)"
      USDA: "Schnuck Markets Inc. - Sweetened Iced Tea Sweetened"
      Mayo Clinic: "A friend suggested that I try yerba mate tea to boost my energy. What is yerba mate?"
      Brigham Health: "Alfalfa"
      NLM: "Alfalfa"
      Kaiser Permanente: "Alfalfa"
      Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: "Alfalfa"
      Mount Sinai: "Horsetail"
      NLM: "Horsetail"
      Mayo Clinic: "Honey"
      Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics: "Comparison of the effect of honey and mefenamic acid on the severity of pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea"
      Michigan Medicine: "Menstrual Cycle: Dealing With Cramps"
      Cleveland Clinic: "How can you relieve mild menstrual cramps?"
      American Heart Association: "Added Sugars"
      Mount Sinai: "Laryngitis"
      Mayo Clinic: "Laryngitis"
      NCCIH: "Ginger"
      Johns Hopkins Medicine: "5 Spices with Healthy Benefits"
      OncoLink: "Ginger: Health Benefits and Dietary Recommendations During Cancer Treatment"
      Phytotherapy Research: "Clinical trials on pain lowering effect of ginger: A narrative review"
      Mount Sinai: "Eucalyptus"
      Kaiser Permanente: "Eucalyptus"
      NLM: "Eucalyptus"
      Herbal Society of America: "Fennel"
      Arabian Journal of Chemistry: "Foeniculum vulgare: A comprehensive review of its traditional use, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and safety"
      American Botanical Council: "Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs"
      The Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases: "Curcumin and Fennel Essential Oil Improve Symptoms and Quality of Life in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome"
      NLM Drugs and Lactation Database: "Fennel"
      Mount Sinai: "Aloe"
      NCCIH: "Aloe Vera"
      Mayo Clinic: "Aloe"
      Johns Hopkins HealthCare: "Elderberry"
      MSKCC: "Elderberry"
      Journal of General Internal Medicine: "Elderberry Extract Outpatient Influenza Treatment for Emergency Room Patients Ages 5 and Above: a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial"
      Mount Sinai: "Burdock"
      MSKCC: "Burdock"
      MSKCC: ""Essiac"
      PeaceHealth: "Burdock"
      International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases: "Effects of Arctium lappa L. (Burdock) root tea on inflammatory status and oxidative stress in patients with knee osteoarthritis"
      National Cancer Institute: "Milk Thistle (PDQ®)–Patient Version"
      NCCIH: "Milk Thistle"
      Mayo Clinic: "Milk thistle"
      Missouri Botanical Garden: "Hyssopus officinalis"
      PeaceHealth: "Hyssop"
      Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment: "Anti-oxidation properties of leaves, skin, pulp, and seeds extracts from green papaya and their anti-cancer activities in breast cancer cells"
      Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: "Carica papaya Leaves Juice Significantly Accelerates the Rate of Increase in Platelet Count among Patients with Dengue Fever and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever"
      Beth Israel Lahey Health: "Papain: Nature’s Own Digestive Aid"
      PeaceHealth: "Boldo"
      European Medicines Agency: "Boldo leaf"
      PeaceHealth: "Rooibos"
      MSKCC: "Rooibos Tea"
      Institute for Traditional Medicine: "HONEYBUSH"
      Nutraceuticals - Past, Present and Future: "Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) and Honeybush (Cyclopia spp.): From Bush Teas to Potential Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease"
      Oldways Whole Grains Council: "Barley - February Grain of the Month"
      Journal of Food Science: "Antioxidant Properties of Aqueous Extract of Roasted Hulled Barley in Bulk Oil or Oil-in-Water Emulsion Matrix"
      USDA: "Cooked Pearled Barley"
      Cleveland Clinic: "6 Surprising Ways Garlic Boosts Your Health"
      American Society for Microbiology: "Old Wives’ Tales and Garlic as an Antibiotic: Are Microbial Myths Fact or Fiction?"
      Antioxidants: "Potential Health Benefit of Garlic Based on Human Intervention Studies: A Brief Overview"
      NCCIH: "Garlic"
      Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology: "Medicinal and Functional Values of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) Herb"
      Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine: "Neuroprotective potency of some spice herbs, a literature review"
      PeaceHealth: "Thyme"
      Boston Medical Center: "Lemon-Thyme Green Tea"
      Tufts Medical Center: "Celery"
      Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine: "A Review of the Antioxidant Activity of Celery (Apium graveolens L)"
      Cleveland Clinic: "Celery May Help Bring Your High Blood Pressure Down"
      Wisconsin Horticulture: "Cilantro / Coriander, Coriandrum sativum"
      Cleveland Clinic: "Love It or Hate It — The Great Cilantro Debate"
      USDA: "Cilantro"
      Mayo Clinic: "Vitamin K (Class) (Oral Route, Parenteral Route)"
      PeaceHealth: "Sage"
      Archives in Cancer Research: "Medicinal Property of Sage (Saliva) for Curing Illnesses Such as Obesity, Diabetes, Depression, Dementia, Lupus, Autism, Heart Disease and Cancer: A Brief Review"
      NCCIH: "Sage"
      PeaceHealth: "Reishi"
      MSKCC: "Reishi Mushroom"
      Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: "Evaluation of Antidiabetic Effects of the Traditional Medicinal Plant Gynostemma pentaphyllum and the Possible Mechanisms of Insulin Release"
      Chinese Medicine: "Anti-cancer effects of Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino (Jiaogulan)"
      Hormone and Metabolic Research: "Antidiabetic Effect of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Tea in Randomly Assigned Type 2 Diabetic Patients"
      Mount Sinai: "Hawthorne"
      MSKCC: "Hawthorne"
      NCCIH: "Hawthorne"
      Cleveland Clinic: "What Are the Best Fruits for You? A Dietitian’s Top 5 Picks"
      Advanced Nutrition: "Red Raspberries and Their Bioactive Polyphenols: Cardiometabolic and Neuronal Health Links"
      International Journal of Molecular Sciences: "Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity in Different Types of Berries"
      Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health: "Antioxidants"
      American Pregnancy Association: "Herbal Tea and Pregnancy"
      Scientific Reports: "Effects of Berries Consumption on Cardiovascular Risk Factors: A Meta-analysis with Trial Sequential Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials"
      Cleveland Clinic: "7 Reasons to Start Your Day With Lemon Water"
      New Mexico State University: "Jujube: Chinese Date in New Mexico"
      Center for Urban Education About Sustainable Agriculture: "Jujubes"
      Horticulture Research: "The historical and current research progress on jujube–a superfruit for the future"
      USDA: "Jujube, raw"
      Journal of Functional Foods: "Jujube fruit: A potential nutritious fruit for the development of functional food products"
      Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: "Multiple Bioactivities of Traditional Medicinal Herbs for Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases"
      Kaiser Permanente: "Goji Berry"
      Sutter Health: "The Health Benefits of Goji Berries"
      Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity: "Bioactive Compounds of Food: Their Role in the Prevention and Treatment of Diseases"
      USDA: "Goji Berries Dried"
      PeaceHealth: "Goji Berry"
      PeaceHealth: "Blueberry"
      Johns Hopkins Medicine: "Berry Good for Your Heart"
      Antioxidants: "Blueberries’ Impact on Insulin Resistance and Glucose Intolerance"
      Plants for a Future: "Ribes nigrum - L."
      USDA: "European Black Currants"
      Mayo Clinic: "Vitamin C"
      Journal of Food Science: "Blackcurrants (Ribes nigrum): A Review on Chemistry, Processing, and Health Benefits"
      Beth Israel Lahey Health: "Noni"
      PeaceHealth: "Noni"
      MSKCC: "Noni"
      Teatulia Organic Teas: "What Is Chai?"
      Pacific College of Health and Science: "Chai Tea for Digestion"
      Brooklyn Botanic Garden: "Saffron Crocus—Conjuring Color and Flavor in the Autumn Garden"
      Nutrients: "Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) in Ocular Diseases: A Narrative Review of the Existing Evidence from Clinical Studies"
      Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine: "The effects of Crocus sativus (saffron) and its constituents on nervous system: A review"
      Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy: "Saffron; An updated review on biological properties with special focus on cardiovascular effects"
      Kaiser Permanente: "Keeping cool: 6 foods that help"
      Nuts and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention: "Chapter 34 - Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Linn. Maton) Seeds in Health"
      MSKCC: "Cinnamon"
      Mayo Clinic: "High cholesterol treatment: Does cinnamon lower cholesterol?"
      GI Society: "Cinnamon: The Good, the Bad, and the Tasty"
      Arthritis Foundation: "Best Spices for Arthritis "
      Clinical Phytoscience: "The phytochemistry and medicinal value of Psidium guajava (guava)"
      Bonanza: "Pito-Pito Organic Herbal Tea"
      Yogi Tea: "All Teas"
      Yogi Tea: "Yogi Green Tea Kombucha Tea"
      Yogi: "Yogi Berry Detox Tea"
      Yogi: "Ginger Tea"
      Celestial Seasonings: "Red Zinger"
      Sunrider International: "Calli Original"
      Sunrider: "Calli Cinnamon"
      Sunrider International: "Calli Mint"
      Molecules: "Diuretic Activity of Compatible Triterpene Components of Alismatis rhizoma"
      Truong Giang Corp: "Three Ballerina Tea"
      NLM: "Senna"
      Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry: "Synthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles using Malva verticillata leaves extract: Study of gold nanoparticles catalysed reduction of nitro-Schiff bases and antibacterial activities of silver nanoparticles"
      Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes: "Unhealthy Weight Control Practices: Culprits and Clinical Recommendations"
      Cleveland Clinic: "Are You Planning a Cleanse or Detox? Read This First"
      Cleveland Clinic: "What Can Tea Really Do for Your Health? 3 Myths, Debunked"
      Providence Health & Services: "Do detox diets and teas really work?"
      International Institute for Environment and Development: "The case of the coca leaf"
      Emergency Medicine International: "Coca: The History and Medical Significance of an Ancient Andean Tradition"
      BMC: "Travel medicine, coca and cocaine: demystifying and rehabilitating Erythroxylum – a comprehensive review"
      U.S. Customs and Border Patrol: "Bringing in coca leaves"
      Kaiser Permanente: "Comfrey"
      FDA: "FDA Advises Dietary Supplement Manufacturers to Remove Comfrey Products From the Market"
      Mount Sinai: "Comfrey"
      Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health: "Rose tea for relief of primary dysmenorrhea in adolescents: a randomized controlled trial in Taiwan"
      Journal of Food Science: "Rose Petal Tea as an Antioxidant‐rich Beverage: Cultivar Effects"
      MSKCC: "Chrysanthemum"
      Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center: "Passiflora incarnata"
      Missouri Botanic Garden: "Passiflora coccinea"
      PeaceHealth: "Passion Flower"
      Mount Sinai: "Passionflower"
      Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Engineering: "Nutritional and health importance of Hibiscus sabdariffa: a review and indication for research needs "
      Journal of Hypertension: "Effect of sour tea (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) on arterial hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials"
      NCCIH: "Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)"
      PeaceHealth: "Hibiscus"
      Penn Medicine: "6 At-Home Remedies to Ease Your Sore Throat"
      Cleveland Clinic: "Sore Throat Remedies That Actually Work"
      PeaceHealth: "Ginger"
      Johns Hopkins Medicine: "GERD Diet: Foods That Help with Acid Reflux (Heartburn)"
      Mayo Clinic: "Heartburn"
      Natural Product Communications: "Biological Properties of 6-Gingerol: A Brief Review"
      Mayo Clinic: "Acne"
      National Psoriasis Foundation: "About Psoriasis"
      Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies: "Prospective, non‐randomised, open‐label study of homeopathic Zingiber officinale (ginger) in the treatment of acne vulgaris"
      Hackensack Meridian Health: "Fighting the Flu or Cold? Elderberry May Provide Some Additional Relief"
      Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: "Anti-proliferation and Apoptosis Induction of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Carica papaya L. on Human Breast Cancer Cells MCF-7"
      Case Reports in Hematology: "The Use of Natural Health Products Especially Papaya Leaf Extract and Dandelion Root Extract in Previously Untreated Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia"
      Nutrients: "Association of Tea Consumption with Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease and Anti-Beta-Amyloid Effects of Tea"