      Mayo Clinic: "Ear Acupuncture"
      Medicine: "Auricular acupressure for overweight and obese individuals"
      JMIR mHealth and uHealth: "Self-Administered Auricular Acupressure Integrated With a Smartphone App for Weight Reduction: Randomized Feasibility Trial"

It might sound a little wacky, but ear magnets could help with weight loss.

Image Credit: Anatolijs Jascuks / EyeEm/EyeEm/GettyImages

Image Credit: Anatolijs Jascuks / EyeEm/EyeEm/GettyImages

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      Mayo Clinic: "Ear Acupuncture"
      Medicine: "Auricular acupressure for overweight and obese individuals"
      JMIR mHealth and uHealth: "Self-Administered Auricular Acupressure Integrated With a Smartphone App for Weight Reduction: Randomized Feasibility Trial"