Pain under the collar bone when exercising can indicate injury to the bone.

Image Credit: GCShutter/E+/GettyImages If you have pain under your collarbone when exercising, it can be alarming. Your collarbone, or clavicle, runs horizontally across the top of your chest just below the neck and out to the shoulder. You should be able to feel it easily with your fingers.

 Because of the collarbone's position and prominence, it takes a lot of pressure when weightlifting. If your collarbone hurts after a workout, you may have damaged the bone. If the pain is serious, consult a doctor as soon as you can.

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  Tip If you notice a lump on your collarbone after weightlifting, seek immediate medical attention. You could have a serious ligament or bone injury.

Collarbone Pain When Lifting Weights Collarbone pain when lifting weights can develop from tiny cracks in your clavicle. The condition, sometimes called weightlifter’s shoulder, is medically known as a distal clavicular osteolysis. This occurs when, over time, your collarbone develops lots of tiny stress fractures through regular lifting of heavy weights.

 According to the Orthopod website, osteolysis occurs when the small pieces of bone are absorbed into the body, causing the area to deteriorate. Symptoms include a throbbing pain near your shoulder after lifting weights or during the course of the day.

​Read more:​ How to Strengthen the Sternoclavicular Joint Sternoclavicular Joint Separation If you lift heavy weights or suddenly increase your load, you could have sternoclavicular joint separation. This occurs when ligaments attaching the collarbone to the sternum become torn or separated, and is a very rare injury. Though more often associated with falls or impact, heavy pressure on the collarbone can trigger the condition.

 You'll feel sharp pain at the top of your chest in the area where your collarbone meets your breastbone. Speak to your doctor, who may prescribe painkillers and recommend rest, ice treatment and possibly a sling for several weeks as the ligament heals.

Strain or Sprain Strains to the muscles or sprained ligaments in your shoulder or neck can cause pain in and around the collarbone. Muscle strains result from putting too much pressure on the region, a common result of heavy weightlifting. Resting for a few days is typically enough to relieve the pain and repair the muscle. Ligament sprains may take longer to heal, with small rips or tears in the tissue that cause your collarbone to be sore after a workout.

 ​Read more:​ Pain Near the Collarbone During Push-Ups

Is It Broken? Possibly the most serious reason for pain after lifting weights is a potential collarbone fracture. You will experience sharp and lasting pain around the broken section of your clavicle if you suffer a fracture. It’s unlikely that you’ll break a collarbone from normal weightlifting with good technique and comfortable weight sizes.

 However, if you drop a barbell, lift a weight beyond your ability or fall when lifting, you could break your collarbone. The broken region will hurt to touch and may even stick out noticeably under your skin. If you suspect a fracture, visit an emergency room as soon as possible for an X-ray​.​

  references Weightlifter's Shoulder
      World Journal of Orthopedics: Sternoclavicular Joint Dislocation and Its Management: A Review of the Literature
      Hughston Clinic: Chest Muscle Injuries: Strains and Tears of the Pectoralis Major

  references Weightlifter's Shoulder
      World Journal of Orthopedics: Sternoclavicular Joint Dislocation and Its Management: A Review of the Literature
      Hughston Clinic: Chest Muscle Injuries: Strains and Tears of the Pectoralis Major

Pain under the collar bone when exercising can indicate injury to the bone.

Image Credit: GCShutter/E+/GettyImages

Image Credit: GCShutter/E+/GettyImages

If you notice a lump on your collarbone after weightlifting, seek immediate medical attention. You could have a serious ligament or bone injury. Weightlifter's Shoulder
      World Journal of Orthopedics: Sternoclavicular Joint Dislocation and Its Management: A Review of the Literature
      Hughston Clinic: Chest Muscle Injuries: Strains and Tears of the Pectoralis Major