Potato salad.

Image Credit: Igor Dutina/iStock/Getty Images You may have heard about the extreme diet of Chris Voigt, executive director of the Washington State Potato Commission, who pledged to eat nothing but potatoes for a 60-day period. To meet his caloric needs, Voigt planned to eat 20 potatoes a day. In light of this, the validity of the claim that eating cold cooked potatoes can enhance weight loss is called into question.

History of Potatoes
Assorted potatoes.

Image Credit: Keith Levit/Keith Levit Photography/Getty Images Potatoes were first imported to Europe in the 16th century. It took another 150 years before the potato was established as a staple crop. Today, the highest per capita consumers of potatoes reside in Central and Eastern Europe.

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Dietary Benefits
Whole potatoes.

Image Credit: Daniel Ernst/iStock/Getty Images Potatoes are virtually fat free and provide an excellent source of fiber. Potatoes also provide vitamin C, vitamins B1 and B6 and are a significant source of potassium.

Resistant Starch
Cold potato salad.

Image Credit: travellinglight/iStock/Getty Images The central benefit of eating cold cooked potatoes is in resistant starch – RS. A tasteless form of fiber, RS aids in weight loss due to its slow absorption rate in the small intestine. This causes most of the dietary bulk of RS to pass as excrement. When potatoes are cooked, then cooled, resistant starch forms tight crystals. These crystals are broken up when the potato is reheated. This slow absorption also gives you the feeling of satiety for a longer period, reducing food intake.

 A 2004 "Nutrition and Metabolism" study showed an increase in fat oxidation from eating the RS meal. It was further shown that the oxidation is sustained by a daily diet containing RS, suggesting that a diet including high RS foods may help you manage your weight.

Potato salad with herbs.

Image Credit: HandmadePictures/iStock/Getty Images With an almost unending variety, the cold potato salad is limited only by your personal tastes. Additional consideration should be given to the ingredients, but calorie-conscious recipes are abundant.

Mashed potatoes.

Image Credit: DENIO RIGACCI/iStock/Getty Images Potatoes should not be considered a single food source, according to Barry Swanson, regents professor and interim director of the School of Food Science at Washington State University and University of Idaho. Potatoes are high on the glycemic index, which is not helpful to those struggling to maintain blood sugar levels, and the high concentration of potassium may be taxing on your kidneys. An all-potato diet would also be void of essential nutrients, such as vitamin A.

      Live Science: Man Eating Nothing But Potatoes for 2 Months
      Herald-Dispatch.com: Rice, Pasta and Potato Salad: Diet Dishes?
      European Food Information Council: The Goodness in Potatoes
      Diet-Recipes-To-Go: Diet Potato Salad Recipes

      Live Science: Man Eating Nothing But Potatoes for 2 Months
      Herald-Dispatch.com: Rice, Pasta and Potato Salad: Diet Dishes?
      European Food Information Council: The Goodness in Potatoes
      Diet-Recipes-To-Go: Diet Potato Salad Recipes

Potato salad.

Image Credit: Igor Dutina/iStock/Getty Images

Image Credit: Igor Dutina/iStock/Getty Images

Assorted potatoes.

Image Credit: Keith Levit/Keith Levit Photography/Getty Images

Image Credit: Keith Levit/Keith Levit Photography/Getty Images

Whole potatoes.

Image Credit: Daniel Ernst/iStock/Getty Images

Image Credit: Daniel Ernst/iStock/Getty Images

Cold potato salad.

Image Credit: travellinglight/iStock/Getty Images

Image Credit: travellinglight/iStock/Getty Images

Potato salad with herbs.

Image Credit: HandmadePictures/iStock/Getty Images

Image Credit: HandmadePictures/iStock/Getty Images

Mashed potatoes.

Image Credit: DENIO RIGACCI/iStock/Getty Images

Image Credit: DENIO RIGACCI/iStock/Getty Images

      Live Science: Man Eating Nothing But Potatoes for 2 Months
      Herald-Dispatch.com: Rice, Pasta and Potato Salad: Diet Dishes?
      European Food Information Council: The Goodness in Potatoes
      Diet-Recipes-To-Go: Diet Potato Salad Recipes