Moves that stretch and strengthen your muscles — like the crab bridge — can help relieve physical and emotional tension.

Image Credit: Morit Summers/ Creative This 31-day body-weight workout challenge will inspire you to move more, no matter your starting point. Get all the details on the challenge here. If you find yourself stuck doing the same squats, push-ups and lunges workout after workout, it’s time to switch things up. While there’s nothing wrong with these exercises, it’s important to move your body side to side and strengthen the back of your body — two components often neglected in fitness routines.

 "Most people just need to move more, use their muscles more and sweat a little bit to feel their best," says Morit Summers, CPT, creator of Brooklyn-based training studio Form Fitness and host of our "New Year, Do You" Challenge. "Many people feel tightness, but it's likely because many of our muscles just need to be used [in a different way]."

 She created this workout to make sure you're not forgetting any of your muscles or movement patterns. It builds on this foundational body-weight workout for beginners and incorporates some moves you may not have done before (or tend to do less often).

 If you're doing the challenge, follow the weekly rep scheme below. If you're doing this workout on your own, increase or decrease the reps and sets based on your fitness level. You should be able to do all the reps with good form, but the last two should feel challenging.

In between sets and exercises, rest for 20 to 40 seconds. You won’t feel fully rested (like you were before your workout) but you should feel ready to tackle the next set.

 Reps and Sets Per Exercise Sets

Reverse Lunge Superman Lateral Lunge Crab Bridge ‌Week 1‌ 2 8/side 10 8/side 6 ‌Week 2‌ 3 8/side 10 8/side 6 ‌Week 3‌ 3 10/side 12 10/side 8 ‌Week 4‌ 4 10/side 10 10/side 8 4 Intermediate Moves for a Full-Body Workout The “New Year, Do You” Challenge is accessible to all fitness levels. That’s why we’re providing a main move and at least one modification or variation. In the videos below, you’ll see one trainer — either Summers or her Form Fitness co-founder Francine Delgado-Lugo — demonstrating the base exercise along with a modification or variation from the other trainer. Choose the version of the exercise that works best for you.

 1. Alternating Reverse Lunge (shown on right)      
        Body-Weight Workout
        Lower Body

As Summers demonstrates on the right, stand with your feet about hip-width apart. Your arms can be at your sides, on your hips or clasped in front of you. Step your right leg about 3 feet behind you and lower down, bending your knees until they form 90-degree angles. Your right knee should hover an inch above the ground and your left thigh should be parallel to the ground. Keep most of your weight in your left leg as you press into your left heel to straighten your left leg and stand. Bring your right leg back to the starting position. Repeat, stepping back with the left leg. Continue alternating legs.

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  Modifications and Variations To modify, don't step backward with each rep. Instead, as shown on the left, stay in the split stance with your feet separated as you lower down and press up, only going as low as is comfortable for you.
  1. Superman (shown on left)

        Body-Weight Workout
        Full Body

As Delgado-Lugo demonstrates, lie on your stomach with your legs and arms extended. Your feet should be about hip-width apart and your biceps should be alongside your ears. Squeeze your glutes and engage your back to raise your legs and torso off the floor. Keep your legs straight and reach your fingertips away from you. Hold at the top of the exercise for a count. Lower back down with control.

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  Modifications and Variations For more of a challenge, perform a Wonder Woman (shown on the right). Pull your hands down to your shoulders, then press them back overhead before lowering your body to the ground.
  1. Lateral Lunge (shown on left)

        Body-Weight Workout
        Lower Body

From standing, root your left foot into the ground and step your right foot out to the side (shown on the left). Bend your right knee, keeping it in line with your right foot, and push your hips back. You can have your hands on your hips or hanging on either side of your bent leg. Press through your right foot to return to standing. Complete all your reps on one side before switching legs.

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  Modifications and Variations Add a knee lift at the end to make this move harder. Contract your lower abs at the top as you balance on one foot (shown on the right).
  1. Crab Bridge (shown on left)

        Body-Weight Workout
        Full Body

Following Delgado-Lugo (left), sit on the ground with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Plant your palms on the sides of your hips. Press your hands and heels into the ground and lift your hips up into a reverse tabletop position, squeezing your glutes. Keep your spine neutral. Keeping your feet and palms planted, drop your hips toward the ground.

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  Modifications and Variations For a variation, add a reach at the top of every bridge (shown on the right). When you press all the way up, reach one hand over your head as you look toward the ceiling. Alternate arms with each rep.

Follow Along With the Challenge Use the calendar below to help you stay on track with the “New Year, Do You” Challenge. Do the workout listed, then check off each day as you complete it. (Get a printer-friendly version here.)

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Moves that stretch and strengthen your muscles — like the crab bridge — can help relieve physical and emotional tension.

Image Credit: Morit Summers/ Creative

This 31-day body-weight workout challenge will inspire you to move more, no matter your starting point. Get all the details on the challenge here.

Image Credit: Morit Summers/ Creative

This 31-day body-weight workout challenge will inspire you to move more, no matter your starting point. Get all the details on the challenge here.

Sets Reverse Lunge Superman Lateral Lunge Crab Bridge ‌Week 1‌ 2 8/side 10 8/side 6 ‌Week 2‌ 3 8/side 10 8/side 6 ‌Week 3‌ 3 10/side 12 10/side 8 ‌Week 4‌ 4 10/side 10 10/side 8

        Body-Weight Workout
        Lower Body

As Summers demonstrates on the right, stand with your feet about hip-width apart. Your arms can be at your sides, on your hips or clasped in front of you. Step your right leg about 3 feet behind you and lower down, bending your knees until they form 90-degree angles. Your right knee should hover an inch above the ground and your left thigh should be parallel to the ground. Keep most of your weight in your left leg as you press into your left heel to straighten your left leg and stand. Bring your right leg back to the starting position. Repeat, stepping back with the left leg. Continue alternating legs.

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        Body-Weight Workout
        Lower Body

To modify, don’t step backward with each rep. Instead, as shown on the left, stay in the split stance with your feet separated as you lower down and press up, only going as low as is comfortable for you.

        Body-Weight Workout
        Full Body

As Delgado-Lugo demonstrates, lie on your stomach with your legs and arms extended. Your feet should be about hip-width apart and your biceps should be alongside your ears. Squeeze your glutes and engage your back to raise your legs and torso off the floor. Keep your legs straight and reach your fingertips away from you. Hold at the top of the exercise for a count. Lower back down with control.

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        Body-Weight Workout
        Full Body

For more of a challenge, perform a Wonder Woman (shown on the right). Pull your hands down to your shoulders, then press them back overhead before lowering your body to the ground.

From standing, root your left foot into the ground and step your right foot out to the side (shown on the left). Bend your right knee, keeping it in line with your right foot, and push your hips back. You can have your hands on your hips or hanging on either side of your bent leg. Press through your right foot to return to standing. Complete all your reps on one side before switching legs.

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Add a knee lift at the end to make this move harder. Contract your lower abs at the top as you balance on one foot (shown on the right).

Following Delgado-Lugo (left), sit on the ground with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Plant your palms on the sides of your hips. Press your hands and heels into the ground and lift your hips up into a reverse tabletop position, squeezing your glutes. Keep your spine neutral. Keeping your feet and palms planted, drop your hips toward the ground.

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For a variation, add a reach at the top of every bridge (shown on the right). When you press all the way up, reach one hand over your head as you look toward the ceiling. Alternate arms with each rep.

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